Monday, July 7, 2008

How to Reconfigure RAID?

Reconfigure RAID

Some changes in the RAID configuration cannot be performed after launching the VAIO Recovery Wizard from within the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. To remove an existing RAID array and delete all data from the connected drives, the computer must be restarted with the first disc from the Recovery Media Kit in the CD/DVD drive. Follow this procedure to confirm your selection in the Reconfigure RAID window.

NOTE: If you have not chosen to Create recovery discs, or if you intend to Go to Intel Matrix Storage Console to reconfigure an existing RAID array or create a new RAID volume, these options are also offered in the Reconfigure RAID window. Neither option requires restarting the computer.

1. From within the Recovery Wizard application, in the Reconfigure RAID window, click Restart from disc.
2. The appropriate CD/DVD drive will open.
3. At the Recovery dialog box, ensure Recovery Disc #1 is in the drive.
4. Click the OK button.
5. The computer will restart and the Recovery Wizard main menu will again be displayed.

NOTE: Fewer options are available in the Recovery Wizard when starting the computer from the Recovery Discs.

6. In the VAIO Recovery window, click Reconfigure RAID.

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