Friday, November 28, 2008

Mp3 Source, Live audio Streaming etc.

Dezzer website will allow you to listen to free catalog of music online.
You can also send mp3 and therefore use dezzer as jukbox online.
The web site is clear and simple just connect with any Internet browser and then find your title, album or artist favorites (nearly all inclusive), to create a playlist and then go on pressing play and that is partly for hours of music non-stop, and especially free and legally.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tunes of MTV (Music Video Television)

This was MTV's early sneak back in 1970's...

Additional physical hard drives are not displayed in the operating system after performing a system recovery

Additional physical hard drives may not be displayed in the operating system after performing a system recovery as the recovery software is not configured to recognize additional physical hard drives. Follow this procedure to activate the additional physical hard drive.

WARNING: There is a risk of data loss. Performing this procedure will erase all data from the additional installed hard drive.

1. Click the Start button, and then click Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel window, under Pick a category, double-click the Performance and Maintenance icon.
3. In the Performance and Maintenance window, under or pick a Control Panel icon, double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
4. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click the Computer Management icon.
5. In the Computer Management window, in the left pane, under Storage, click Disk Management.
6. In the right pane, click to select the primary partition of the additional physical hard drive.

IMPORTANT: The physical hard drive with the operating system is Disk 0.

7. On the menu bar, click Action.
8. On the Action menu, point to All Tasks, click Delete Partition.
9. On the Action menu, point to All Tasks, click Format.
10. Follow the wizard to complete the format.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas Ites

What is christmas for you? Answer this and get some geesz! ^_^

Sports Clothing for exercise, etc?

This is the advantage of endorsement. Many people tend to use popular peoples clothing in terms of sports, events, etc. It is also considered as fashion!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Error: HD CONTENT CORRUPTED, USE COMPONENT CABLES is displayed when connected with a Motorola® cable box using HDMI.

Sony has investigated this issue and believe that some Motorola cable boxes were produced with an early version of HDMI software that may cause this symptom. Later versions of the cable box HDMI software have been tested and appear to work properly when connected to Sony TV and Audio/Video Receiver products. Since it is believed to be an issue with the cable box, no service fix is available from Sony; the cable company should be contacted to report this problem.

This issue is known to occur in the following Motorola cable box models:


Although the issue has been known to occur with the above cable box models, it is possible that other models may be affected.

NOTE: As a workaround, you can connect the cable box to the TV using a component (Y/Pb/Pr) cable if both the TV and cable box have these connections.

Bright iDEA FROM Sony, right! Good luck ^_^

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wedding Preparation

First thing to do if the MONEY is already positive is to begin completing you papers either you are going to be married in Church or Civil Office. Authenticated Birth Certificate is the number thing to consider, you can get the in NSO office in macapagal. For more details keep on reading ->